I certainly get triggered when Seth puts a chez to his retz (TM/Reg./Copyrighted material/PAT. PEND). Yes, I actually invented slang for cigarette smoking and tried to make it happen; but it didn't fetch. "Chez for your retz" means "Matches for your cigarettes." Not having a light was an actual problem; particularly in the 80's when pretty much everyone smoked. If you didn't smoke, you might've been looked at askance.
But before we get into all of that I must seek a correction on an uncorrected, incorrect correction. Namely, the filter color of Parliament cigarettes. Here is Antonio Banderas and...Antonio Banderas, somewhere in Europe about to enjoy...something:
I don't know about you; but if I was Antonio Banderas, I'd be cruising myself every chance I got! You probably couldn't pry me out of el cuarto de bano any time soon!
Yes, I get triggered when I see depictions of smoking. I saw Queer this weekend and it had more smoking than a fog machine at the Limelight circa '86. My husband and myself hold the film In the Bedroom as the benchmark for modern smoking movies. Remember that one? It's funny; at the time it was nominated for like every movie Award there was; now,nobody remembers it. Let me refresh your memory:
Yes, they do. In the "Full Flavor" version. Here's The King of Cigarettes to tell us all about it!
James is also available in various forms as "Ultron" and whoever he plays on The Blacklist. But as of yet, no Steff McKee action figure. :(
Now, I must address profligate waste as it applies to cigarettes on Late Night with Seth Meyers. Now, a pack of cigarettes in Manhattan averages, currently, about $14.00. That's about 70 cents per cigarette. Now, if Mr. Meyers is doing a sketch that involves cigarettes; between rehearsals and airtime, I think we can reasonably assume the use of at least five cigarettes. If my math is correct, that's $3.50, out the window. Why must cigarette smokers bear the brunt of taxtion and humilitation without representation? Why are cigarettes and thusly smokers the villains here? And might we ask how did hard liquor get itself back on TV? Where are its warning labels and lists of side effects? Or fast food, for that matter. Or second hand smoke from big ole stanky dubies that I recently had to contend with on every street corner in The Big Apple. And why did it seem that every vape cloud exhaled in the city during my stay made it's way all up in my face? 3200 people on the sidewalk and it makes a beeline for my puss. Hey, lady...I don't want to walk into your vape cloud; could you exhale upwards maybe?
Or does Seth Meyers think because he's from New Hampshire, with its lower cigarette prices that he gets to just willy-nilly light up cigs and immediately stomp them out when Manhattanites, rich and poor, would kill for Granite State ciggie prices? Or former Massachusettsians and former smokers who might like to maybe pretend...maybe dream...maybe like to smoke that cigarette all the way down to the recessed filter? Mr. Meyers, you are my proxy smoker, so do it right or don't do it at all. DON'T TREAD ON ME!