What, who is this?
It's Chris Reidy.
Oh, Mr. Reidy. I thought we were going to talk on Monday. It's Sunday. You woke me up.
Sorry. This couldn't wait.
How did you get my home number?
It's 2024. Everything about you is on the internet, more or less.
I suppose. Oh, I don't care. Who the hell is interested in me?
I am.
That's nice.
So, did you get any deals at Bloomies?
I got some nice Ralph Lauren sheets on close-out.
Oh, I love Ralph's sheets. Only problem is he's constantly discontinuing designs and if you like something, in a couple of years you're screwed.
I just mix and match.
Oh, the shabby-chic thing. You either have the knack for that or you don't.
Oh, I agree. So, what did you find out about the English teacher?
The character or the show or the actor who plays him?
Pick one.
Well, his name is Brian Jordan Alvarez.
Hmmm. That's both WASPY and exotic at once.
He's bilingual.
Bilingual or bilingual curious?
Oh, you made a joke Minnie. Good on yah!
Tell me more.
Well, his mother is Columbian and he was born in Manhattan and he grew up in Winchester, Tennessee.
That's a big state. What part?
It's kind of in the central easternish part and sort of south of Nashville and borders Alabama. It's about an hour from Nashville. My husband grew up in that general neck of the woods as well, which I find odd and highly interesting.
Well, because that state has come to figure as a big part in my life and I never would've thought it would. I mean, to the point where it seems to me that destiny comes into play.
Interesting. So, did this Mr. Alvarez create the show and if he did, why did he set it in Austin?
The interweb is telling me he did create it, along side a Mr. Paul Simms. I don't know why he would've set it in Austin. Perhaps to get the extreme dynamic of liberal vs. conservative to generate story ideas.
Yes, but Nashville seems as though it would have the same dynamic. And what with the country music industry being there--even more story ideas.
You would think. But I don't know what goes on inside Mr. Alvarez's head. Or if it's in English or Spanish or Spanglish. I speak Spanish!
You do?
Well, no; but it doesn't stop me from trying! Let's take a look!
So, does Mr. Alvarez appear "undraped" as his colleague does?
Thus far he's managed to get out of his clothes in pretty much every episode, which is fine by me.
Oh, I just looked him up. Apparently he will give you the full Monty as well.
Does FX allow full-frontal male full-frontalness?
I don't know. It's basically Disney...and Little Brian might scare away the family audience. I'm all for it. Hey, if you've got it, flaunt, it! FREE THE DING-DING!
Okay, so on the most recent episode of the show, Season 1, Episode 8 "Birthday"; our hero's best friend, sometimes lover, is he my boyfriend or not? pal, throws a surprise birthday party for Evan at an Austin area gay bar called "Tom's of Austin."
Who is Evan?
Oh, Evan is the name of the English teacher. "Evan Marquez." He's written his Latino heritage into the character, which is great.
Wait, is "Latino" an acceptable term any more?
Minnie, I really don't know. Or Hispanic...gee, that sounds wrong. I guess you cant go wrong with "Latinx," which I'm not even sure how to pronounce.
What are you?
Oh, I'm Irish. Or how about IrishX?
My husband was Irish and IrishX with him lasted about four minutes. And sometimes even shorter!
Oh, I get it. Because Irish men have small penises!
No, my husband was hung like Rasputin.
No disputin'!
Oh, how nice for you.
Not really. My theory of penises is pretty much like your theory of houses. So, go on. Birthday party, gay bar, best friend, etc.
Here's a snippet of the episode. At the 12 second mark, we can see Evan's lady BFF and teaching colleague Gwen Sanders (Stephanie Koenig) commandeering the bar's karaoke mike and singing a song off the cuff, wherein she sings about her cleavage. Let's take a look!
Well, in my script my gay English teacher's sister--
The prostitute?
Yes. Her. They meet at a bar and she gets so drunk she jumps up and grabs the karaoke mike and starts singing an off the cuff song wherein she proclaims her career choices and sings the praises of her breasts. Here are the pages:
You spelled applaud wrong. It doesn't have an "e" on the end.
Yeah. I know. It's a typo. My life is a typo. That sounds like something Truman Capote might say: (Imitating Capote's pinched, flat, nasal falsetto): "...his resume says 'writer'; but that was just a typo..."
How about: (Imitating Capote) "...his book is a real word salad...with bleu cheese on the side..."
You might want to work on that one a bit.
Fair enough.
Oh, and did you notice that behind "Gwen" were large black and white photos of leather daddies?
No, what's a leather daddy?
It's a man of a certain age, usually gay, who puts on leather outfits to go clubbing and/or do stuff with hoo-haas and bum-bums and pee-pees et. al.
Oh. Let me take another look...
Well, in one blog I wrote of that time I was a giant poster in a Boston leather gay bar...
You were?
Are you into leather?
KInd of. You can read all about it in my blog entitled "Daddy Chris Will See You Soon" Here's a link:www.christopherfreidy.com/blog/daddy-chris-will-see-you-soon
Anyone I j'accuse! or yo acuso! is certainly welcome to refute me. In fact I welcome it. As I've said before, tell me how I'm wrong. Explain to me how this is mere coincindence; because I would really love to hear the answer. I also do this because people love conflict and gossip and all that Real Housewives shit--so, in a sense, I'm entertaining whoever might be reading this.
There's no business like show business. I mean, people don't watch Showgirls to see Nomi and Crystal being nice to one another.
Oh, I see here no less an endeavour than TIME magazine named English Teacher the best sitcom of 2024!
Oh, how nice.
Here's a link:
Well, I've gotta run Mr. Reidy. The dog won't walk herself. Is there anything you would change about English Teacher, I mean, other than having it be your script?
F'rinstance, storylines. Acting tips? Character arcs? Plot points?
Well Minnie, full disclosure: I really like the show. I don't usually give other actors unsolicited advice, but in Mr. Alvarez's case I would advise him to lighten up on the high-dudgeon "go to" he seems to favor.
What do you mean?
Well, the character of "Evan" seems really bitter and disgusted most of the time. Like, about everything, except maybe getting laid. Like, this is his facial expression, most of the time:
Fair enough. Anything else?
Oh, when I showed my husband the picture of Mr. Alvarez with the 4 cent postage stamp and then the one without the stamp he said: "You really should have given him an eight cent stamp; maybe a nine cent..."
So here it is:
Thanks Minnie, I will.
Bon voyage!
Say HI to Teena for me!