But it had problems. Like, on an organic level. I think by now it's pretty common knowledge that John Hughes, the writer, had his leading lady end up with the footman instead of the prince and every test audience HATED it. That ending, that is. They loved everything about the movie up until the end, when the star-crossed young lovers DON'T end up together. Even in Romeo and Juliet they end up together. I mean, yeah, they're dead; but it is kismet.
For those of you just joining us, a recap. I don't feel like typing anymore tonight, so here are Msrs. Siskel and Ebert with the skinny re: pretty in pink.
So, in the original script and cut of the movie, Blaine dumps Andie so hard he doesn't even show up at the prom. But Duckie does and he and Andie, I suppose, realize they're meant to be and do a slow dance as their heretofore, hostile to the point of Carrie levels classmates, form a circle, watch and I suppose...*SIGH*...FADE OUT...THE END.
When Paramount tested the film, apparently, audiences did everything short of throwing rotten foodstuffs and tin cans at the screen. NO ONE wanted that ending. It was so loathed, Paramount went and reshot most of the prom scene, flying back the actors to Hollywood, including a much thinner and nearly bald Andrew McCarthy who was fitted with a Blaine wig, which looked more like it should've been on one of the mannequins in Annie Potts record store. Even with the expense, apparently it was a great move because it was the ending everyone wanted and the picture was a success. And we're still talking about it. And people still talk about TEAM BLAINE and TEAM DUCKIE. No TEAM STEFF (we'll get to that later).
I remember when I saw this movie. I remember thinking, when watching, about Jon Cryer's character "Duckie Dale." Yes, he moons over Andie but this is not uncommon with gay boys and the girls they're friends with. It's a kind of closeness that's almost like the gay boy wants to be the straight girl...because...Princess Syndrome? Sure, let's call it that.
But wait Chris. Hold the presses!
How about this tried and true aural trope?
Oh yeah...
Wait, Duckie isn't gay?
No Chris, he's in love with Andie and wants to be her boyfriend.
What? Get out!
No, he straight and in love with her and John Hughes wanted him and her to hook up at the end.
But he says stuff like: "Let's plow!" "That ensemble is volcanic!" and "Hey Andie!"
Yeah, so?
His best friend is a girl.
Yeah, so?
He listens to The Smiths and mopes.
Yeah, so?
He wears more jewelry and hats than Andie does.
Well, maybe so. But he's straight. As straight as Mike Pence.
Have you watched the movie?
You know I have. I'm you, stupid!
I'm playing Devil's Advocate with myself.
Did you take your medicine?
Yes. Anyways; the entire dynamic between Andie and Duckie and more clearly from Molly towards Jon is that they are friends. Just friends. There is zero romantic tension between them. I don't care what the script is telling me, or John Hughes. There is negative zero implication that Andie/Molly is romantically, let alone sexually, interested in Duckie. Them ending up together probably confused those test audiences more than anything else.
Great. Now, could you stop talking to me and talk to whoever might be reading this?
So, in view of my feelings-slash-interpretations of Pretty In Pink; those being primarily athat Andie should've been with Steff and that Duckie and Blaine might've found some common ground--or Duckie and Annie Potts' "Iona" or maybe Blaine and Iona or perhaps Blaine and Gina Gershon's "Trombley" (wait, is it Blaine or Blane? And does it matter?); the following is my "fan-fic" take on how I think Pretty In PInk could've went.
Now, I won't be doing an entire screenplay. More of a treatment with scenes. Or maybe just some scenes. We'll see.
a rethink of
We see the funky/girlish bedroom of what we can assume is a teen-age girl with ecclectic tastes. A sewing machine and clothing design paraphernalia are strewn in a corner. The camera CLOSES on a shock of red hair on the pillow. An ALARM goes off from the clock on the bedside table and a feminine hand with pink nail polish comes into frame to hit the snooze button. Next, we hear the CROW OF A ROOSTER, then a SIGH. The covers fly back revealing a the redhead. She is ANDIE WALSH, 17ish. She's quite pretty in a very natural, approachable way. She's wearing somewhat boyish pajamas as she gets out of bed and puts on a robe. She goes to the window as we hear the ROOSTER CROW again.
Is that even legal?
She exits the room.
The house is modest and of modest means. But it's clean and tidy. Andie crouches in front of the TV, a clunky, beat up 70's console and turns it on. She goes to the cable box and manually selects a channel. The camera closes on the screen as we see the opening shots of the following video as the CREDITS come up. The SONG continues to play over scene:
Andie prepares coffee in a retro percolator.
Andie KNOCKS on her father's bedroom door.
Daddy? Come on, it's 7:30! It's time to get up. I made coffee...
Andie getting dressed: CLOSE on her legs as she puts on pink stockings.
Andie looking out her bedroom window as the rooster CROWS again.
Andie gathering her school books and tossing them in a bag.
Andie putting on a pink cardigan over her funky but chic dress.
Andie swatting the TV power button to OFF.
And finally, Andie entering her father's room with a cup of coffee. She opens the shade and puts the coffe on his night table.
Daddy, sit up now and sip your coffee before I leave. You have that interview today.
We hear a GROAN from under a pillow.
She stands and waits until he flips the covers off himself, exactly as she had.
A pillow is removed and we get a good look at the MAN'S face. This is Andie's dad, JACK WALSH, late 50's. He has a scruffy, unkepmt appearance and looks much older than he actually is. His bearing is of someone who has had more than his share of life challenges. And, is he maybe nursing a hangover?
Am I hearing a rooster?
Yes. I think the neighbors might have one in their backyard.
You've gotta be kidding...
I kid you not. I gotta run.
Hold on, let me look at you. Is this your latest creation?
Yeah. The dress is Goodwill, the hat is Salvation Army. The sweater was--is-- mom's--
I thought it looked familiar. It looks real pretty on you honey.
Thanks. Okay. I gotta run. Promise me you won't go back to sleep.
I promise.
She leans over and kisses his cheek.
Good luck!
She hurries out the door. He of course punches his pillow and lays back down; but the rooster starts up again.
I will be following the Hughes template; but I will, of course, be taking liberties. Like, my own music choices, for example. But, since this is still set in 1986, the songs cannot be any past that time.
CLOSE on cassette player as Andie jams a mix tape into it and hits PLAY. "Breakout" by Swing Out Sister comes through the tinny speaker. We see her point of view through the windshield as she pulls into the school parking lot, passing a sign that reads: MEADOWBROOK HIGH SCHOOL She pulls her Karmann Ghia(!) into a space.
Andie turns off the ignition as she puts some finishing touches on her make-up. As she gathers her things, she looks at the school building and sighs. She turns up the volume on the music and starts singing along and then dancing in place. Steeling herself for the day. She gets into a bit of a reverie and shocked out of it when she hears a KNOCK on the windshield. She looks up. On the other side of the glass is a young man wearing designer sunglasses. His hair is shaggy but "just so." He smiles; a rather bemused one at that, showing perfect, white designer teeth. Everything about him is designer and louche. He is STEFF MCKEE, high school age; but maybe he's been held back a few years? The real question is, why didn't he go to boarding school in Switzerland? Andie, embarrassed, snaps off the radio and scurries out of the car and locks it.
Can I talk to you for a second?
I'm gonna be late.
I'll vouch for you.
Gee. Thanks.
She starts walking at a brisk pace. He follows.
We're in the same chem class this year.
We've been in the same chem class for the past three years.
I know that.
Really? What's my name?
Come on Andie...I'm trying to be nice.
Why now?
Because we have chemistry together. And we need partners, so I thought maybe--
That we could be partners?
Why? So that you can for once get a passing grade and finally be free of Meadowbrook?
Maybe. Maybe I-- You know, I've really learned to love this place. It feels like home.
(LAUGHS) That's funny. No one here has ever made me feel at home.
He doesn't respond. He knows she's right. He looks at his shoes.
I'll think about it.
She's through the door as the BELL rings. Steff leans against the stair railing and lights a cigarettee and smiles to himself.
Andie is at her desk. Across the aisle from her is her friend, DUCKIE DALE, 17ish. He's decked out in thrift store rockabilly finery, including a porkpie hat and sunglasses. Cute and boyish, he's the defacto class clown. The teacher is not present and we hear the CHATTER of the other students. Duckie turns to Andie, who is reading, and spekas into his pencil like it's a microphone.
I'm here on the red carpet with the stunning Andie Walsh, ladies and gentlemen. Andie, you look mondo-rondo as usual. I'm just gonna consult my vocabulary list here...(He pulls a slip of paper from his notebook and scans it): I am, ah...in a hooroosh here, trying to figure out how you manage one exciting, nay--earth shaking--look after another...and I should mention, the last time I durst question your fashion sense, I was annuitant for hours afterwards!
You might want to go over that list a few more times.
And may I ask where you're lunching today? Le Cirque? Maxim's? Spago Bell?
(In perfect French) Mon endroit convoite habituel au cafe Meadowbrook.
This is English class--
The English teacher, MR. BYRON comes through the door. He's in his 30s, bearded, handsome and quietly sexy. Just the sort of teacher any student might become smitten with.
Sorry I'm late; but please, do as I say, not as I do. (Notices Duckie) Mr. Dale, we don't wear hats in class.
Duckie takes off his hat.
And I don't know about you; but I only wear my sunglasses at night.
Yes, Sir, Mr. Byron Sir!
He removes his sunglasses.
All right. So, let's get into some Moby Dick!
There are TITTERS from the class.
(Blushing) Or, The Whale. Yes, The Whale!
Andie and Duckie, trays in hand, approach a table where sits a gaggle of students who don't quite match the majority of their well-heeled classmates. Spiky hair, piercings, black leather, thrift-store slacker is the look of the day. Andie and Duckie stand out like a pair of exotic birds: left of, left of center. The pair nod and exchange greetings as they squeeze in next to another friend, JENA HOEMAN, 17 or thereabouts. She has a decidedly "over it" attitude but she's undeniably cute and affable. She looks over Duckie and Andie's trays as they settle in.
Oooh, tots! Don't mind if I do...
Help yourself. I'm on a diet.
Really, which one?
"The Box it Came In" Diet.
What's that?
(Poking at food) It's when the box it came in tastes better than the actual food.
While Jena and Duckie goof around, Andie looks up to see Steff walking across the cafeteria towards her. There is another boy with him, one that Andie has of course seen in the hallways, but she's never met him or seen him up close and personal, as she is about to.
Are they lost?
They just crossed the line!
As Steff encroaches on their space (he owns the school, natch) his friend stands back, clearly uncomfortable. This is BLANE MCDONAGH, 17ish. He is handsome with a kind of shambling, shabby-chic thing happening with his look. He seems shy and distracted, with the eyes of a Keane painting, which he focuses on Andie.
(To Andie) Have you thought about it yet?
Now, this song was used in the film Valley Girl, when the young lovers in that movie met, but neither that film or song entered the Collective Pop-Mind the way the songs from Pretty In Pink did. I love this song. It's one of those 80's songs that encapsulated a kind of longing. That certain kind of sadness that can be addicting, as some other song put it. And if anyone can become addicted to sadness, it's a teen. Sad songs say so much...
Thought about what?
If you're asking if I've I thought about throwing this dripping with ketchup tot at your pristine white yachting jacket, the answer is a resounding "yes."
I was talking to your friend.
Everyone's heads turn toward Andie.
Sure. If you can answer a question first.
What is the chemical formula of water?
(Sipping from his flask) Scotch and water?
Any water.
Steff thinks a moment. Does he actually not know? He looks to Blane.
Blane can vouch for me.
Andie returns Blane's stare. He smiles bemusedly. He's not sure if Steff knows.
(Chuckles) Of course he knows! H2O. Everybody knows that. Right Steff?
Slainte! (He drinks again).
One of the boys at the table stands. He's twice as big as Steff, and higher still with his mohawk. His name is KONG. He may have been at the school longer than Steff.
Are these guys bothering you Andie?
No bother.
Steff offers his flask to Kong, who remains on guard.
Steff, I'll happily be your chemistry partner as long as your friend vouches for you.
She gazes up at Blane.
Oh, right. Andie this is Blane. Blane, Andie.
Blane reaches out his hand. There is a collective holding of breath at the table. This interaction is a first at Meadowbrook High. Andie returns his grasp. She doesn't seem to want to let go as much as he doesn't. The spell is broken when Jena BURPS. LOUDLY.
Oops. 'Scuse me...
(Turning to Blane) Well come on bud. We've got PE and were gonna shoot some hoops; so if we're gonna shoot we gotta shake it.
He heads off and as Blane turns, he looks back at Andie over his shoulder and smiles. Exeunt.
There is a pronounced SILENCE at the table. Andie turns to her left and right to see a phalanx of accusatory stares.
So, there's a scene in this movie where Jon Cryer's character "Duckie" enters the record store where Andie works and proceeds to commandeer the place as he dances around and lip synchs to Otis Redding's "Try A Little Tenderness." Let's take a look: