So, I just thought that in writing this I could express my concern and frustration and desire to help. Los Angeles, for all it's supposed immorality and wicked ways, has perhaps the most religious name of any city in the United States: El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles del Rio Porciuncula. In English: The Town of Our Lady the Queen of the Angels of the River Porciuncula. I guess the LA river was once called the Porciuncula. so that water is built into the name I will see as a good omen. And there has always been talk of "revitalizing" the LA River; and I really hope that happens. There are parts of it that have sort of gone back to the wild and if you visit them, it is something to see. Filled with wildlife and birds who have returned to disused parts. It really is a case of "build it and they will come." How cool would it be to float on an inner-tube on a lazy river ride through the heart of Los Angeles? It can be done. A river runs through the heart of Roanoke city and in the summer, tons of people do it. It's really kind of awesome and I think really brings a sense of community.
I said that no matter how hard we "wish" we can't change or stop fire. I should clarify that what I meant is that we can't stop it from happening. It's Nature (usually, hopefully)/ But the professionals out there who brave their lives fighting fires like this; well, they're the ones we depend on to change and stop it. So it also for them that I want to invoke the Saints and Angels for everyone battling this: physically, emotionally, financially...
Santa Monica. Here's another water connection. Santa Monica, the city, is named for a spring that was named "Las Lagrimas" in the 1700's by Father Juan Crespi because it reminded him of the tears of Saint Monica, which she shed for her "wayward" son, Augustine. I was delighted to see these springs still exist; something I did not know until just now.
Los Angeles is a town full of actors, filmmakers and writers and TV, too. So, here are some more Saints that I know I'll be praying to tonight and in the coming months.
Saint Genisius, Patron Saint of Actors:
I hope this message helped someone.