I was wondering about that movie premiere I saw him at with a companion. I was trying to recall if it really happened or was it some kind of daytime-nocturnal-transmission. Or did I mistake someone else for him? So, I reached out into the Interether and did a search: HONEYMOON IN VEGAS PREMIERE. Sure enough, there were lots of pictures of this event. And one of the first ones that popped up was of Mr. Downey Jr. and his movie-going companion. So, I wasn't imagining things!
I love that Robert has a cigarette ready to go in that photo. That was around the time that smoking was really starting to be frowned on; that is, in a mass sociological kind of way. Which I find strange, as only a decade prior EVERYONE smoked. People smoked during meals. They smoked on dance floors: while dancing! They smoked in restaurants, bars and clubs. They smoked in offices, at their desks. They were still smoking on airlplanes. Did I mention they smoked during meals. Like whilst eating. Not just between courses but sometimes between bites! Oh, us 80's kids! Us with our ciggies and our Wayfarers and our No less than zero point 5 ounces of cocaine in our shoe! Or more likely sock. You really didn't want your coke getting all sweaty and stuck together. But I digress. WOB.
Here are some more pictures of the HIV(!) premiere. Did you know HIV has a stage musical version. You know, "HIV" might not be the best initialism here. How about HMIV? Yeah, that's better. So, the HMIV premiere was in association with "Coalition Clean Air," a fact I certainly didn't/don't recall. I guess that was a thing at some point (and may well still be; I haven't been to a Hollywood premiere since this one--as a guest, that is. WOB). I wonder if they still exist. Let's check.
Found it!
So, here's some more pix from the preem!
I scanned the pictures to see if I was somewhere in the background, the shadows, the rear-screen; but alas, I could not find myself. And if I do not appear in the camera's eye, do I not exist? If a camera flashes at a premiere and there's no celebrity there to pose...does it take a picture?
Yes, I recall the after-party in a vacant lot. But now I think perhaps it was the parking lot of the Chinese Theater, at the corner of Hollywood and whatever street that is. But I also recall crossing the street to get there. But then, I recalled Kathleen Turner and Dennis Quaid being at some other premiere, not this one. So, the thing was; the pair made several rounds of the after party, hand-in-hand, like a couple. I remember that clearly, having known at the time that that they weren't a couple. I believe he was married then, to Meg Ryan. Yes, they were. Kind of newly married at that. I figured out that Dennis and Kathleen were promoting a movie they were making or had just made at the time: Undercover Blues, which I've never seen, so I must reserve comment.
Now, I asked you to notice Kathleen's dress. The skirt in particular. Her right butt cheek even more in particular. Now, I love Kathleen. Always have, always will. I loved her since she was on The Doctors soap opera, playing "Nola." Let's take a look!
So, anyways; being the shy, retiring violet that I am (and certainly was more so back then); I didn't speak to Ms. Turner or Mr. Quaid on any of their party rounds. And there were a lot. They walked by me like five times, at least! Here's the thing: Ms. Turner, as you can see, was in a lovely blue dress. It was navy blue, which makes sense (Undercover Blues). What didn't make so much sense was that it appeared to be wool, as it was August in LA. Like a fine wool knit. But maybe it was cotton. But whatever it was; it was not resistant to chewing gum. Yes, she had a big old wad of chewing gum stuck to the back of her dress, just below her right butt cheek. It must've been lodged under her seat at Grauman's. And thinking about it today, I can't help but think of Roseanne Roseannadanna; who, if she had found herself in the same situation (mine, not Ms. Turner's) might've finally shouted out by the third or fourth go-round: "Hey, Kathleen Turner! What's going on?!!? Don't you know you've got gum stuck to your rear end? Stop walking around with Dennis Quaid and get it fixed. You're makin' me SICK!"
And since we're talking so much about smoking, this seems apropos:
Yes, I love Dennis. Enough to have gone to see Reagan. And I would love to see a sequel to Innerspace! This time, Dennis is miniaturized and shoosted inside Marty Short again. Or maybe Meg Ryan. That would mix it up a little! And hopefully not for a colonoscopy. Although, colonoscopies are important everyone. Schedule your appointment today. I know I'm due, and I'm writing myself a note right now. Okay, so, we didn't get to Molly's Pretty In Pink scenes, but we will. This is going to go on until it doesn't. I think we need more of Molly singing; so I'll write a scene accordingly.
Speaking of singing and Robert Downey Jr....did you watch the Siskel and Ebert clip? The boy can sing. So, why did he remake Dr. Doolittle and not turn it into a musical. And yes, I saw it AT THE MOVIES. DURING COVID. Wait. Did that come out during Covid? I don't know. That's all a blur. But I think my husband and I were the only people in the theater. And hey, that movie wasn't so bad. It was better than the first one. The first one seemed like it was a day long movie when I was a kid. And the third go-round had Antonio Banderas! Always added value. And he sings. And didn't Selena Gomez start out as a singer? SO WHY WASN'T IT A MUSICAL??? Keep "Talk to the Animals" but scrap the rest and come up with some fresh new tunes. Well, that is if they do a Doolittle 2 and Robert, et. al. return. And can I just ask; what's the deal with Rex Harrison? How did he become a big star? Talk about phoning it in! He may have invented it. He certainly seems to have invented "talk singing." Yeah, let's hire this truly arrogant guy who can't sing and put him in musicals and then fire up the orchestra and have him speak the lyrics. Yeah! Let's do that...
So, here's a really bizarre clip to play us out.
Oh, and I can't help but wonder if Robert Downey Jr. still smokes. I hope he's given them up. Because even in something like Dr. Doolittle, he's still a treasure.
for the continuation.
CFR 1/8/25