Okay Ms. Kidman. It's time for some hard questions. I mean, not like, these are going to be difficult questions; as in difficult to answer, like the following:
So, here come the hard questions, Nicole.
Why do you not have popcorn? Is not the moviegoing experience now inextricably linked with the eating of popcorn? Is the image of the popcorn in it's striped paper container not cultural shorthand for "the movies"? So, you really should have a bucket of popcorn; but you don't. We can only ask why. Why, Nicole, do you not have popcorn? Is it because AMC does not want to remind moviegoers of the absolutely outrageous price they charge for popcorn? I mean, do the math Nicole (because I know I can't--where's Matt Damon?); but the mark-up on popcorn can be a staggering 1,275%! Even I can figure that that is super-duper expensive. Also, how many calories does a bucket of popcorn with "butter" (a.k.a. "Golden Flavoring") have? Or fat? Or Sodium? You don't see the Nutrition Facts posted anywhere. And why is that? Isn't that like a law now?
Now, I don't want to single out anybody in particular; but Joseph and I frequent the Salem Valley 8 AMC theater fairly often. I mean, I'm not singling out Joseph. I meant a particular theater...but I guess I am. Singling one out, that is.
Anyways. The staff at the Salem Valley 8 AMC are wonderful. A nicer bunch of kids you'd ever wanna meet outside of a Taylor Swift concert! Do you think Tay-Tay got a cut on these?
Nicole, how on Earth did you learn to speak under water!??!
So, why is it when I go to this theater, so often, I see heat vapors rising on the screen, as though the projector is about to burst into flames and that renders every movie a Towering Inferno?
One more question:
Do you think that concession stand employees are instructed to do their jobs as slowly as humanly possible? Or possibly, as three-toed slothly as possible? Is there some secret, psychological reason? Is it so that people in line will be more likely to buy more junk-food because they're anxious they're going to miss the beginning of the movie and have been staring at images of food for thirty minutes? Just wondering...
Oh, and I think you and Sam Neill and Billy Zane should get together and do a sequel to Dead Calm. I love that movie! And even though Billy's character dies via distress flare to the kisser, there's got to be a way to bring him back. Maybe his long lost son comes after you and Sam on the open sea, seeking revenge, a la Captain Ahab. Computer aging down? Or maybe Billy's real life daughters could play the part(s)? I don't know. But I'll think of something!