So, this was taken circa 1993-94. So, I'm like 28, 29...facing down 30. Remember turning 30 and being depressed because you felt old? Ha, ha, ha. I look like a freakin' baby. And I used to suntan (child of the 70's. Teen of the 80's). And I used to party relatively hearty.
So the picture was taken by a Mr. Douglas Baker. I first met him in 1983 when I was a senior in high school. He was the "new teacher." He taught English and Journalism. I took his Journalism class. After I graduated and attended Boston University, he ended up studying there as well. So, our orbits kept crossing. He also had a photography studio, which is how the head shots came about. Now, of course, he's a therapist; and since this makes him something of a public figure, I will post a picture of him:
So, he took my first official head-shots; one of which is seen at the top of the page. I think he lit my eyes quite well. Brown eyes are hard to make pop. Of course, it's a black and white photo...but still.
So, if you're in the Boston area and you need some yoga and/or psychotherapy, Doug is your man. He offers his services online as well.
Yes, he's a kind and lovely human.
So, what was this supposed to be about? Oh yeah...miscellany...which the head shot is. I mean, I said I would post one when I found it and so there you have it. Now, in doing that: posting an image of myself; am I engaging in self-absorption?
I mean this webpage is about me, right? In essence, it boils down to an attempt to monetize my creativity. It sounds a little mercenary. But isn't it what all artists (or least those who like to eat and have a roof over their head) try to do in life. Take what makes them happy and try and make a living out of it? Sure! What about the personal revelations I'm revealing to you: mostly strangers? Well, as a writer, I suppose I seek connection and a kind of catharsis by offering the world my experiences in an attempt to share them in a humanistic way. Maybe I do disclose too much; but then, maybe some of us don't disclose enough. I don't know.
But really, aren't we all self-absorbed to a certain extent. I mean, yes, you can be "selfless"; But wasn't someone like say, Mother Teresa, even, self-absorbed? How can you not be? Your mind is literally absorbed by your brain. Your personality resides in the body you were given at birth that you have to live with until...
We're the ones who have to live with ourselves all our lives. Or should I say: I am the one with who I have to live with all my life. So, if you're tired of hearing about my life or looking at my mug, I suppose you're just a click away from not having to.
But I think I'm pretty good company. I like hanging out with myself. And nowadays, I actually avoid mirrors as much as possible...which sometimes, maybe I shouldn't. You wouldn't believe some of the outfits I go out in, in public.