So last nights episode of The Goldbergs did a show all about, guess what? Annie, that's what. The beloved musical about Americas favorite, red-headed little orphan girl:
Now as you faithful followers of my blogs know; I did a little play called The Son'll Come Out Tomorrow--
Oh, that janky little theatrical you staged in a church basement?
Oh, hey's Teena Faye...Hey Teena!
And you got a haircut.
It's a wig.
Oh, what brings you by Teena?
The janky little theatrical you staged in a church basement somewhere in Rumproast Virginia.
Well, you know it was originally staged at the Hudson Avenue Theater in Hollywood, USA!
Not exactly Broadway...
No, not exactly. Look Teena, I think we got off on the wrong foot. Can we just start over?
That's why I'm here Chris. This time I'm on your side.
What, now?
I happened to catch The Goldbergs and I was immediately put in mind of your play.
You were?
Yes, particularly when Erica Goldberg did a dance with a mop; which isn't in the movie.
It's not?
Nope. Mops appear during It's A Hard Knock Life; but they are neither danced with or even used to mop the floor.
Check it out!
Oh, that's Taylor James "TJ" Radley. Loved working with him!
He's hot! Was he named after James Taylor, the singer?
As a matter of fact, he was.
Cool., yeah...they basically structured the entire episode around the plot of your play: two people fighting over the role of Annie.
They weren't the first. Young Sheldon was. That was about a little boy playing Annie...the star of the show...and then Jason Alexander.
Hmmmm. Did you catch Not Dead Yet? Their last episode featured Scottish highland dancers whose kilts flap up and then their naughty bits are pixelated. Now why would Scottish highlanders be at a wine festival? You would've thought they'd be Italian...or French, right?
Well, I would.
Didn't several of your recent blogs features those very things? Those things being Scottish men in kilts, references to kilt malfunctions and also the pixelation of schvantzes?
As a matter of fact, yes.
This could all be coincidence, couldn't it?
No this point, I don't think it could be.
Well, what are you gonna do about it?
What can I do about it? Nothing, that's what. Sue? That's pointless. Stop writing? I guess I'll just have to live my own life, vicariously.
I gotta admit: everyone in this business is a thief.
I'm not.
But your not in the business, are you?
At this point, I'm not sure. I'm certainly not getting paid.
So sad. Anyways, let's go out to eat. I'll put on my new Cato turtleneck. Do you like my hair up?
How about Howard Johnson's?
I love Howard Johnson's...but there are none left...
I can pull some strings...
You know, I'm from New England and I've never liked clams...or oysters...or mussels...I didn't go near fish until I was in my twenties...
So, you've been "near fish?" I thought you liked schvantzes...
Ha, ha!
You know, Amy Poehler is from New England. Massachusetts, I think.
Yeah, Burlington. There's a mall there. I've only been to it once. In the 70's, when I was staying with an aunt. I remember she wore go-go boots that day.
What did you think of my go-go outfit?
A little over-stated...and you were giving some nippage.
Was I? I'm thinking of doing a line of go-go gear. A collab with Wonderbra...or maybe Playtex...
Do they still make Playtex?
Conversation fades into restaurant chatter.