Anthropomorphize them! Wait, someone already has...
The World Wildlife Fund created a character named Lin the Pangolin and animated him (I tried to post that here but for some reason couldn't) to try and drum up some sympathy for Pangolins and other creatures like him who are targeted for usually "medicinal" purposes. Like, an entire rhinoceros is destroyed just to get its horn because a bunch of idiots think powdered rhino horn is some kind of Viagra. Or that somehow the animal's strength and power would be transferred to said idiot via a powdered rhino smoothie. Are humans that stupid? Yes, they're that stupid. I mean we. I can't let myself off the hook.
So Lin is for the kiddies, in order to help the children "emotionally connect" to a creature that is maybe not as cute as "f" as I said. Their cuteness grows on you. But they're being hunted at such a rapid rate, there's little time left for that curteness to grow on anybody.
I guess anthropo-- cutesifying animals can backfire, too. Every time Disney releases a movie that features adorable talking animals there is an upsurge in the pet trade for that particular species. I wonder how many coral reefs were wrecked when little Janey or Jonnie wanted their own clownfish?
Maybe, instead of killing Pangolins for their scales, some entrepreneur could open a chain of preserves where guests could simply lick the Pangolin, thus preserving the animal and pleasing the human.
"Don't delay, LICK a Pangolin today!"
Panda painting by Trindira A @ Fine Art America