I can honestly say, I have not listened to a single podcast. Why are people suddenly listening, again, to what is essentially the radio? Like, really old-school radio; when people got their entertainment from scripted stories like The Shadow and Lux Radio Theater and The Inner Sanctum. Maybe because television has gotten so stupid? Well, no, not exactly. TV is currently experiencing a new Golden Age. Maybe because we're stuck in our cars so much now because traffic seems to have gotten ten times worse then say, since I was a kid? I remember in the 70's (when I was a kid) there was this radio show that came on the airwaves in 1974. It was called CBS Radio Mystery Theater. I remember how excited me and my siblings were about it. I guess for us cathode ray children, the idea of a story without pictures was some kind of exciting novelty! And it's scary stuff to boot!
My friend Joe tells a funny story about the show. One night he was driving his brother's new car; a Japanese model that was one of the first car's to "talk." He did not know this at the time. So, he's listening to The Ravine by Ray Bradbury and it's about these three women who go to the movies and walking back home, they have to go through this ravine where a killer is lurking...or something like that. So, Joe is alone on the road, it's pitch black, he's deeply gripped by the story's suspense and just when the killer is about to strike he hears "CAR NEEDS GAS!" in a Japanese accent. He nearly drove off the road.
Speaking of mysteries and not stupid TV: Only Murders In the Building. Now, as we know, a big part of that show is the podcasting element. It's certainly given me a bit more insight into that world: who's listening? Who's creating?
On my way home from play practice tonight, an ad came on the radio. The announcer was asking something along the lines of: "Do you speak like a robot at work because you're so disinterested in your job. But when you talk to your friends you sound like Bugs Bunny on coke because you're so excited about, whatever your passion is?" Something like that. That really struck a cord with me. I can recall a lot of disinterest on my part when I worked in offices. The announcer went on to recommend "Spreaker.com" as a way of monetizing that passion. Through a podcast! So I checked out the website, which is a step-by-step sort of come on kids, let's put on a show for podcasts! My curiosity has been piqued.
The problemo is...what would I want my podcast to be about?
I know a lot of interesting people. Maybe I could interview them. But then, that would require setting up interviews, getting people wherever, and so on and so on. You know, like work. And other formats would require a lot of research and field work. I'm kind of busy doing other stuff; including writing this blog. And trying to avoid contagions. And then I thought...hey, wait a minute. I wrote a freaking 500 page book. One that is not "on tape." Or should I say, not available on Audible. Maybe I could simply read my book as my podcast! You know, like Dickens did--serialized it, I mean!
Hit like if you think this is a good idea.
CFR 8/19/22