Actually, it couldn't be easier to find good looking Reidys and post them here as content for you, dear reader. And I want to keep you supplied with my own personal Reidy mojo, because you're addicted aren't you? (Breathy Sharon Stone voice): You like to watch, don't you?
On a serious note, is this some kind of self-obsession? Well, probably not. If it were, it would be all pictures of yours truly. On a further serious note, I was looking at the pictures I posted of Mr. Jiah Reidy, from down under. I mentioned that he was an "Aboriginal cadet." Then I thought, "Why did I highlight that? I didn't mention anyone else's race; and that's racist, right?" But then I thought: "But it's really cool too. And maybe that might generate interest in the Aboriginal Cadetship Program in Western Australia (see, you're already curious!). So, I decided to leave the signifier there. And here he is again, the doll!
Whether it's the last name, the first name, the middle name or a nickname; if you've got "Reidy" as a name, baby you got game! Red Hot or merely pleasant to look at or just regular: Reidys rock!
To be continued...