Well, I've decided to write my own cable Christmas movie. But I like my egg-nog with a lot of nutmeg...so here's my take on the genre. I'm calling it...
We see a stage, its' deep, crimson-velvet curtains, softly lit. The AUDIENCE MURMURS. We hear the sound of SOFT FLUTES, piping the familiar strains of "We Three Kings." The curtain rises and we see the caravan of THE THREE WISE men, in silhouette, as they follow the bright North Star. The first figure is MELCHIOR, resplendently robed as he carries a small chest of gold.
So, I've been spinning ideas for this and our heroine is going to be named Honoria "Ri-Ri" Cummings. So, going forward, the title of this enterprise is...
We see a stage, its' deep, crimson-velvet curtains, softly lit. The AUDIENCE MURMURS. We hear the sound of SOFT FLUTES, piping the familiar strains of "We Three Kings." The curtain rises and we see the caravan of THE THREE WISE men, in silhouette, as they follow the bright North Star. The first figure is MELCHIOR, resplendently robed as he carries a small chest of gold. Behind him is BALTHAZAR, similarly dressed, bearing a container of myrrh. Next we have GASPAR, who has an urn of frankincense. The three circle the stage and as they pass an empty manger, they place their gifts in front of it. Suddenly, the North Star glows stronger and begins to lower, as we realize there is a woman sitting within it. She is pregnant. As the star lowers towards the stage, the CAMERA MOVES CLOSE on the face of "Mary." We hear the voice of HONORIA CUMMINGS as she NARRATES over the scene.
You probably know who that is. The Virgin Mary, right? Wrong! That's me, Honoria Cummings. You can call me "Ri-ri." Everyone does. Well, not everyone. But some people. So, yeah...my name isn't Mary. And I'm not a virgin. And neither is the Mary I'm playing. She's really going to have a baby. I have to say, I never expected I'd be expecting when I went back to Winooski Falls. That's in Vermont. It's where I grew up. They invented Maple Balls there. Have you ever had Maple Balls? You haven't? Well let me tell you--oh, wait a second--this happened. I never expected this to happen. Oh, well, I mean the thing that happens right after this:
Once "Mary" reaches the stage, the Three Wise Men kneel and Joseph comes out of the wings and escorts Mary off. A sign lowers from the rafters, which we can't quite make out. Suddenly, we hear a loud, pounding, DRUM as a spotlight hits the sign. It reads: "Jolly Jingle's First Annual Christmas Striptacular." The lights come up and we can see that the audience is mostly women, dressed to the nines in sexy club attire. They start A'WHOOPIN, A 'HOLLERIN' AND A CHEERIN.' The drum beats segue into a heavy disco version of "WE THREE KINGS," as the Three Wise Men stand and drop their kingly garments. Melchior is actually CAMERON SMITH, 25ish. Balthazar is DYLAN JONES, 25ish. And finally, Gaspar is being danced by BRENDAN LEE, 25ish. They are all incredibly handsome and spectacularly physiqued. That is, "chiseled" in every way; from head to tootsies. That they are rather interchangeable is beside the point: this is a HALLMARK joint. All we ask is that one be blonde, one be brunette and one a redhead. And at least one has a spectacularly hirsuted, Tom Selleckesque pec package.
The three men dance in the new-old-fashioned way. Or is that the old, new-fashioned way? Whatever way it is, it includes a high level of provocative athleticism and quickly escalating nudity, as the trio peel away more and more of their regal raiments; much to the excitedly escalating delight of the mostly distaff crowd, which is growing more carried away by the moment! And who could blame 'em!??!
Huh...I just learned that Hallmark Channel did a Three Wise Men themed movie in 2022, which seems as though it was inspired by the movie Three Men and a Baby. Great(!) minds think alike, I suppose; and yes, I will admit that people can have the same ideas when it comes to IP. So, I guess we can take that as a sign that Hallmark might be getting a little more adventurous when it comes to the plotting of their telemovies; because, let's face it: thus far, they've been recycling what appears to be the same script, ad infinitum, by simply changing the names of the characters and the actors playing them. So, in that adventurous spirit, I will continue with my Christmas telemovie, the same way I was going. So...
The show continues as the Three Wise Dancers undulate and oomph and va-va-voom their way through the audience. Eventually, the three men are down to metallic jockstraps that more or less match their hair. Gold for the blonde, pewter for the brunette and copper for the redhead. After various and sundry EXCITED LADIES stuff various and sundry denominations into said jockstraps, the three men return to the stage as Mary/Honoria comes back out, accompanied by "Joseph" now. Joseph is being essayed by a fourth fellow, with silver hair. He is TYLER WHITE, 25ish. He has prematurely gray hair, but he's as coiffed and cut and chiseled as the other three guys. He steers Honoria to a hay bale near the manger, where she sits and looks on demurely; as though there is nothing at all out of the ordinary that three kings are sexily shimmying in her immediate vicinity and then are joined by her husband. Joseph drops his drab drapings and participates in the dance as well. However, we sense something unscripted is happening when the Three Wise Men dance past the manager and each one pulls a small velvet box out of the hay; as Honoria registers a look of confusion. So does Joseph, who has retrieved a ring box from his "pouch." The four men circle Honoria/Mary and kneel before her. Each one opens their ring-box and proffers a diamond engagement ring to Honoria.
A series of TIGHT CLOSE-UPs on the faces of each man. Then Honoria's face. Then the rings. Then everyone's eyes. Then back to Honoria who looks from one man to the other. She looks out into the audience, where the women are still going crazy. Suddenly, the action halts with a FREEZE-FRAME. We close on Honoria's confused face as she continues to narrate.
Yes, four marriage proposals at the same time! From four different fellahs, yet. Any one of whom could have been my Christmas baby daddy. Ooops, make that five. You see, there was a fifth fellah. His name is Marlon. He's my boss. I guess I should explain. It's complicated. You see, it all started back in the city. A Big City... This is my boss, Marlon Johnson.
We see a series of STILL SHOTS of MARLON JOHNSON. He's late 20ish, early 30ish; but just as chiseled and worryingly handosme as any of the other men in this photoplay. In the stills, Marlon is doing various sexy things to his business attire in business settings.
(CONT.) For some reason, he's always changing clothes in the office. He claims he has "EPS." That's Excessive Persipiration Syndrome. I don't know. I thought he didn't break much of a sweat when--well, we won't there yet. He thinks he's that actor who's always playing a cop...oh, you know the one...from the 80's...is it Tom Jones? Or was he a singer? He sings in the shower. He's actually pretty good. Where was I?
A modern, dynamic office space. Chic, busy BUSINESS PEOPLE doing business all over the place. Floor to ceiling windows offer a breathtaking view of the skyline of Big City. We can see all the famous sky-scrapers and the vast expanse of the park and/or the Great Lake below. The camera lingers on the view and then PANS to a set of glass door, which swing open. HONORIA CUMMINGS, early 20s, enters. We've seen her in her Virgin Mary costume; but now we get a glimpse of her in jungle clothing. The Cocrete Jungle, that is. Classic Business attire with a high-fashion twist. Pencil skirt, fitted suit, high-heels bordering on too high. And a Christmas themed winter hat. She's carrying a briefcase and several other bags while she expertly balances pastries on the lid of her coffee cup. The pastries are red and green as well. She stops at a desk, where sits a man. He's 30-something. Kind of non-descript. Very flat affect. His name is JURGIN TURPIN. He's wearing a very basic red and green plaid sweater vest. He's typing and doesn't look up.
You're late Ms. Cummings. They're waiting.
I'm sure Marlon is regaling them. Would you like a Tannenbon-bon?
A what?
She offers him a pastry.
So, I was thinking about the admittedly "Mama Mia!"esque storyline of Honoria having five potential baby daddies. How did this happen? Why did this happen? Was she trying to get pregnant?
So, I ran this query by my husband. I asked: "Would a woman who had five different men as potential fathers to her child be thought of as "slutty"? He thought for a moment. His response was decidedly in the positive. So, then I asked:
"Okay, so on a sluttiness scale where Samantha from "Sex and the City" was at five and it went to ten--" "Samantha only rates a five? I would say she's at least a nine..."
"Okay, so Samantha is a nine. Now, if my character got pregnant and there were five potential dads, what would that maker her?"
"A ten."
"But what if she had been trying to get pregnant, and out of necessity went with a Groupon type deal?"
"Why couldn't she just try with one man five different times?"
"She's in a rush and she's independent."
"I don't think she could score lower than a nine, no matter what the case..."
"What if three of the guys were identical triplets and she got confused?'
"How would she get confused?"
"She had too much to drink."
"So, she's a drunken slut?"
"No! They were drunk too and they got confused!"
"So, they got confused and ran a train on her?"
"No!!! You see, they were all there in the Christmas themed ski lodge with their girlfriends and everyone had too much egg-nog and people got up to get drinks of water and midnight snacks and got confused and went into the wrong rooms and so on and so forth--"
"So, she got banged three times in one night? She's a ten."
You see the problem here. Or is it a problem? Should we just ignore this moral conundrum? Or do we like the identical triplets thing? The Three Wise Identical Triplet Men. We might just have to go with that!
So, Honoria just wandered into the office with a Christmas pastry called a "Tannenbon-bon." This got me thinking on another story spur which could play into the events of this story later on, with what the kids nowadays are calling a "payoff." This little scene would go in right after the strip show and right before she comes into the office. We'll do some script rearranging later.
Honoria is walking down the city street, lugging her business stuff. We've seen her in her Virgin Mary costume; but now we get a glimpse of her in jungle clothing. The Cocrete Jungle, that is. Classic Business attire with a high-fashion twist. Pencil skirt, fitted suit, high-heels bordering on too high. She's carrying a briefcase and various other bags. The wind is blowing and flurries flutter through the air. She puts the collar up on her faux-fur coat and adjusts her hat: a red and green holiday number. She approaches a vendor's cart where a LITTLE OLD LADY tends to her wares: pastries and coffee. The camera PANS over the assortment of savories. Each one is more incredible than the next; dessert delicacies you might expect to find at Versaille, circa 1699; not on a food cart on a city street corner.
Could I get a coffee and a--ooh, everything looks so amazing. Did you make all this?
(In an odd, unplaceable accent) Yes dear. I can see you're having trouble deciding. But sometimes, simplest is best. I recommend the Tannenbon-bons.
Okay, sure. I'll take two dozen.
The old lady gets the items and hands them to Honoria.
Fifty cents please.
What? Are you kidding?
Do I look like the kidding type?
Well, yeah--
Well, I'm not.
Here's a twenty. Please, keep the change!
The old woman gives her back nineteen dollars. Honoria protests; but the woman pooh-poohs her and comes out from behind the cart and reaches up to Honoria's collar.
Here's a little Christmas present from me to you...
Oh, you don't have to do that!
I want to.
What she pins to Honoria's lapel is a vintage looking Santa head with a little jingle bell hanging down.
Honoria looks at her watch.
Oh, I am going to be so late!
You need a cab?
Desperately. But I don't see any--
Here's one now...
Honoria turns as a cab pulls over, which is strange, as no one has flagged it down. She looks at the old lady suspiciously but only receives a mischievious smile in return. She climbs into the taxi.
A modern, dynamic office space. Chic, busy BUSINESS PEOPLE doing business all over the place. Floor to ceiling windows offer a breathtaking view of the skyline of Big City. We can see all the famous sky-scrapers and the vast expanse of the park and/or the Great Lake below. The camera lingers on the view and then PANS to a set of glass door, which swing open. Honoria enters, expertly balancing the pastries on the lid of her coffee cup as she quickly lugs her stuff across the floor. She stops at a desk, where sits a man. He's 30-something. Kind of non-descript. Very flat affect. His name is JURGIN TURPIN. He's wearing a very basic red and green plaid sweater vest. He's typing and doesn't look up.
You're late Ms. Cummings. They're waiting.
I'm sure Marlon is regaling them. Would you like a Tannenbon-bon?
A what?
She offers him a pastry.
CLOSE on pastries. They resemble donut holes, with a smattering of frosting and red and green sprinkles.
Tannenbon-bons. A lady was selling them on the corner of 34th and Broadway. Try one.
They're from a street vendor?
Have you tried one?
Well, what do they taste like?
Poison, Jurgin. They taste like poison. Could I get a little help here?
Jurgin stands and helps her with her coat and bags and coffee, etc.
Well, you know, "tannen" is German for "fir." So they taste like fir?
Fur? Like a coat?
No, like pine sap?
Is that even a thing? And why aren't you wearing a fun sweater? We're doing that office ugly sweater thing later. I thought you guys were supposed to be festive.
Really? "You guys?" Why not just say "you people?"
You're right. That was insensitive.
I don't do ugly sweaters. It's Brooks Brothers or nothing.
He notices the pin on her coat, which he's holding.
My grandmother had one of these. Where did you get this?
CLOSE on the pin. Jurgin pulls the jingle bell and the nose lights up, bright red.
Oh, isn't that cute? How do I look?
You have lipstick on your teeth.
He hands her a tissue and she goes to a mirror. She turns and smiles.
Good enough.
He pushes her through the door to the conference room.
Honoria enters the room. A long glass-topped table runs the length of it. Seated around it are numerous BUSINESS MEN and BUSINESS WOMEN. They are talking amongst themselves, clearly waiting on Honoria's arrival. At the head of the table is MARLON JOHNSON, 30ish. He is extremely handsome and finely physiqued; resembling Tom Selleck in his heyday. He has a curled, old-timey mustache and has his feet up on the table, crossed at the ankle. His suit jacket is draped over a chair and his tie is loosened and his sleeves rolled up. He is the epitome of "louche."
(Sitting up and drumming on table) Ladies and gentlemen and everyone else...please put your hands together for...Miss Honoria Cummings!
Honoria blushes, despite herself. This is par for the course where Marlon is concerned.
So sorry I'm late! I couldn't--
It's all right.
It'll take me a just a minute to set up--
There's been a change of plans. I'll be giving the presentation.
But, I've done an entire BulletPoint extravaganza--
I'll be doing that.
But I've got binders for everyone...
I'm taking you off the Pop- Up Car Air Freshener Boutique thing.
What? You can't! Do you know how long it took me to get a meeting with Fujitsu's CEO?
I've got something more pressing. Fujitsu is taken care of. So before you get further hot and bothered, I'm asking you to take a breath, sit down and listen to what I have to say. What are those?
(Putting a box of pastries on the table) Tannenbon-bons.
They look like donut holes. By the way, I'm taking the meeting with Fukuyama (He puts a hard edge on the "K").
(Glaring at Marlon) Really?
We're going to The Teahouse of the Cherry Moon; that place with the geishas.
It's pronounced "Foo-koo-yama," Ted.
Ted shrugs as people GIGGLE. Honoria sits and tries to maintain an even strain. Marlon stands.
In this world that we call our world; sometimes, things can slip through the cracks. And in our business, as business people, we're in the business of doing business. And sometimes it's none of our business. But sometimes, it is our business and we have to get to business dealing with those...cracks.
Please see "Hallmark for the Restivus Part 2" for continuing story!
CFR 1/18/24